From this poster alone you can tell what the best part of the movie was. The fact that Megan Fox is bigger than two of the most important characters in the movie is hilarious. She is definitely hot but when she used her girly voice that just got annoying. I enjoyed this movie so much that I saw it twice. Well actually after the first time seeing it I kind of had a headache from squinting so much to figure out which bot was fighting which. Plus all the complicated talk about bot history went right over my head. The second time around I was able to understand a bit more what they were talking about and enjoy Megan & Shia's physical greatness.
For those who didn't like Transformers 2 you probably had to0 high of expectations. This is a movie based on a cartoon, what can you really expect. Yes the first one was amazing but that's because they hadn't done anything like it yet. With movies like this it's important to go in with the mindset that all you expect is explosions and hot actors. If you expect anything more you're bound to be disappointed. There's rumor of a third movie, can't wait!