Arrested Development: Hilarious! Watching Michael Cera grow up is just one perk. The writers of this show always seem to amaze me. It's almost painful to watch sometimes. It's like watching a car accident, you can't turn away. This family can't ever seem to catch a break. Just when you think things are going great something horribly random comes and messes things up. And each character has their quirks that totally crack me up. I think my favorite character by far is Buster..."I'm a monster!!!"
Skins: Where to begin? Well this show is very real and not like those cheesy US teen shows. The writers do a great job of connecting you to each character. It's like you can totally tell where they're coming from, even the characters you hate! This show also has crazy twists and turns. They love to shock you with reality. There's plenty of drama but not over the top and it's believable. The only drawback to this show is the language is difficult at first to keep up with. There's UK slang terms that take getting used to, but ultimately it'll make you feel cultured! Highly recommend watching this is you want to bring back that crazy youth side in you.