I was bored and decided to check out msn.com to see if there was anything interesting to entertain me. What I found on my search was a list of the top 20 rudest cities in america. Just to name a few: Anchorage (#20), Seattle (#16), Vegas (#8), and L.A. (#1). Of course there were only major cities on the list. Which if you think about it all the locals there are probably stressed and if they're visiting they're stressed because they're lost. Anyways, below is the link to see the full list. (Copy & Paste it into your browser)
Link: http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-rudest-cities
Yep, that's right biatches! They're baaack. Miami was a trip and now they're back in Jersey crazier than ever. There's only been two episodes so far and there's already been a semi-fist fight, smooshing, yelling, and Snooki getting arrested. What more could you ask for in a trashy show each week? Let the drama continue to entertain us and make us feel guilty for being so into it. The biggest question on my mind right now is, "Does Snooki need rehab for alcoholism?" Why don't we all answer on the poll at right!
Dark, a badass, and curiously sexually attractive. These are a few things that come to my mind when I think of Stieg Larsson's character, Lisbeth Salander played by Noomi Rapace. So far I've only seen The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and can't wait to see the other two. Unfortunately, I haven't read the books yet but definitely intend to (with the recommendation from both my parents long before the movies and who are avid readers and know their stuff). But for now I'll just look at the beautiful editorial pictures and have a slight envy of being somewhat like that character. Hope no one runs into me in a dark alley when I'm feeling a little Lisbeth-like.