Now one lucky, sickly rich, money spent poorly individual can buy their very own bottle opener for a low low price of only $195. What a deal! You too can get this prize sterling silver item at Tiffany & Co.
Then, the aforementioned individual can hop on over to Chanel to get the latest tennis racket for only $540. Just in time for Suzie's private lessons from the well sculpted twenty-something year old trainer. Ah the simple life...
On another note. Did you know American Apparel is the largest produce of clothing in North America?! I personally love this brand. If only they were just a bit cheaper. I know, I know all the hipster kids are wearing clothes from there. But it's really not as overrated as you think! I love the way the material feels and love when local artists, or anyone really, uses their clothing to put their design on them. When in doubt you can never go wrong with a basic shirt or zip up hoodie in one solid color.
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