Over the weekend I bought this super kawaii Tokidoki watch. The character on it is Bastardino, for all those living under a rock. From the display case it looked expensive and almost like a glass band. After paying for it and putting it on I realized I bought a watch, worth probably less than a dolla, which is more than your tacky sketcher shoes. Oh well I'm in love and there's nothing you can do about it!

I was buying groceries and usually I ignore these celeb trashy magazines. But unfortunately my fellow shopper (Jay) decided to make a point of it. I, pretending not to care, was more annoyed than anything to see that this charade was still going. And to this extent. Really? Marriage? Come on, we all know you guys will be "divorced" in the next 6 months to a year. Whatever.

So this is what my plan is for Black Friday. There's even prizes for best worst tshirt. If only I had all my clothes with me... Anyways, anyone going to try to fight the crowds and 4 hr line waits? I'm debating to spend my lunch hour in this fashion. Either way I'll be dancing in my bad t-shirt by the end of the night, and that's all that matters to me. Btw we have casual fridays at work which means I can wear my shirt there and not even have to change!