Sunday, December 26, 2010

Teen Swan Buffet

I finally finished Dracula, which was nothing like the 90's movie version. Before I go on a rant about that...I checked out this new book. It's The Teen Vogue Handbook. Yeah I know, it's for teens and about making it in fashion. Which neither equal me. But educating oneself in various ways is always important. Learning from entrepreneurs from any field can teach someone something. I figure why not a field that intrigues me and is super hard to be successful in? If these people can do it in fashion, I can do it in life! So far I've only read about two designers and absorbed alot; so who knows what more I could learn.

Jayson and I broke down and saw a movie in theaters. It's been a while since we've done that. We chose Black Swan since it looked like one of those movies best seen in theaters. And we were right! The whole time I kept saying "what the cuss is going on?" and left with the same question in my mind. It's refreshing to finally see a movie that's new, creative, and unpredictable. Finally something that's not a remake or based on a book. If you get a chance go see it in theaters, it'll blow your mind!

For Christmas Eve, we went out to this sushi buffet. It was really expensive and not at all like the picture (like always). I ended up eating so much that I was literally in pain for an hour or two after. The food was alright but I don't think I'll go back there again unless it's for lunch on my birthday. In this case it'll be almost half dinner price & a discount since it'll be my bday. I think next time we'll stick to Todai's. Same price but better selection of sushi.

P.S. Sorry for the delay in posts. I've been pretty sick, even had to miss work!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

3 Dog Cyrus

Recently Jayson and I watched Volume 3 of Skins. At first we thought there's no way these kids could top the last cast. We were pleasantly proven wrong. There was love, tragedy, sex, drugs/alcohol, and techno! If you ever need another show to watch while you're waiting for the next episode of Billy the Exterminator, this is it. I also really hope the US/MTV version doesn't disgrace this UK series. I can't wait to get a hold of the 4th volume. Doing some research I saw that there's already a 5th volume in the works with another new cast. Hurry up Netflix!

Tonight I started doing some research on hanging with my furry friends and making some moola simultaneously. Yep, that's right people I'm gonna start my dog walking business again. This time I'm going to do it for real and put out tons of advertisement/promo stuff. My goal at the moment is to obtain a night job so that I can work on my business during the day. How awesome would it be get a tan, my dog fix, and paid to do it all at the same time?! If anyone's moving to the Oahu area in a month or two I'll hire ya!

That's right, she really can't be tamed. We've all heard or seen something about the latest Miley Cyrus scandal. Toke, toke, toke! She's been taped acting Lindsay-like, smoking out of a bong. Don't worry Papa Cyrus, it was just a natural herb she was inhaling. The story that it was only salvia is likely and from her reaction I believe it. Weed is a walk in the park compared to salvia. She wouldn't have immediately started giggling, talking a ton, and acting like a straight up annoying person if it had been weed. The video of her dancing with a 40 year old was almost as painful to endure as this video. Honestly, I just feel bad for the girl and her family. She got out of Disney just in time.

Miley Cyrus bong vid (Copy & Paste in url):

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Black Aquarium M&Ms

On Black Friday I had to work but decided to still check out the madness on my lunch break. Apparently I'd missed the long lines and tons of people walking around at 6am. But it was still crazy at 1pm, with at least an hour long line to just get into Victoria's Secret. There were definitely good deals going on; yet I went to the stores yesterday and they had the same exact deals going on. My boss said she saw two people fist fighting on the ground at Walmart. That's what it's all about, getting rough and tough over the last pair of pig shaped slippers (which is what I bought at the last Walmart Black Friday I went to back in 9th grade).

One weekend Jay and I randomly decided we'd check out the aquarium. It was $9 to get in and $9 to get an email of the above picture. God I'm such a sucker for all things cheesy. This wasn't the coolest aquarium I'd ever been to in my life but it was still pretty rad. Seeing the seals was the best part. I wanted to jump in and swim with them, but knowing nature they'd probably kick my donkey. It was also sweet seeing sharks and different kinds of jellyfish. Don't worry if you come to visit I'll take you there.

Now for the most frustrating drama that has occurred to me personally in this apartment. A bag of my M&Ms from my Halloween buy were stolen right out of the fridge. We didn't even have a party! And I'm not just talking about a handful, but the whooole bag. It's like eating someone's box of cereal before they've even had at least a bowl. I wrote a lovely little note stating how enraged I was at this. Which promptly caused all the roommates to deny anything. Finally a few days later the hermit roommate admitted that he did it and bought me a replacement bag. At least I wasn't the unlucky roomie that got his camera and wallet stolen. But thankfully one of the lying, thieving roommates has moved out and 2 other sketchy ones will be moving by the end of the month.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Busy Bee!

Perfect Picture

Ahhh (Real Monsters)! Anyways, I've been sooo busy with work and running errands. By the time I'm done with dinner and my bath there's no time to blog. It's actually past my bed time as we speak. So I'm just letting my good friends who read this know, posts will be a comin'. Toooons to write about, you would NOT believe. Night night!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bastardino Married T-shirt

Over the weekend I bought this super kawaii Tokidoki watch. The character on it is Bastardino, for all those living under a rock. From the display case it looked expensive and almost like a glass band. After paying for it and putting it on I realized I bought a watch, worth probably less than a dolla, which is more than your tacky sketcher shoes. Oh well I'm in love and there's nothing you can do about it!

I was buying groceries and usually I ignore these celeb trashy magazines. But unfortunately my fellow shopper (Jay) decided to make a point of it. I, pretending not to care, was more annoyed than anything to see that this charade was still going. And to this extent. Really? Marriage? Come on, we all know you guys will be "divorced" in the next 6 months to a year. Whatever.

So this is what my plan is for Black Friday. There's even prizes for best worst tshirt. If only I had all my clothes with me... Anyways, anyone going to try to fight the crowds and 4 hr line waits? I'm debating to spend my lunch hour in this fashion. Either way I'll be dancing in my bad t-shirt by the end of the night, and that's all that matters to me. Btw we have casual fridays at work which means I can wear my shirt there and not even have to change!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ke$ha Warhead Dishes

One of the magazines I got for 25 cents at the library last week was Seventeen. In it I read an article about Ke$ha. And believe it or not but I like the chick even more now. All you haters can suck it cus she's cool! She talked about how important it is to be yourself and if people around you don't make you happy then they shouldn't be in your life. I couldn't agree more.

After I went on a Halloween candy shopping spree I acquired a ton of candy. Some of the goodies I bought included Warheads. The other night I was trying to eat one and it was hurting my tongue so bad. I spit it out and realized some blood too. The candy was so powerful/dangerous that it made my tongue bleed! And children are sucking on this?! I don't know if I should've taken pictures and prepared to sue; but even the next day I was having trouble eating.

One thing that I'm looking forward to when Jay and I get our own place is not having to do other people's dishes on a daily basis. It's ridiculous cleaning up after 6 other people (not including Jayson since he's the man). Believe me I've been looking for a new place and once I get a couple more paychecks it's "peace out mofos!" The new place might just have to include a dishwasher. The things we take for granted...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Rugrats Office Warriors

Reptar!!! I've decided to start my mornings off like I did back in elementary school. And that's with a bowl of cereal and an episode of Rugrats. It's fun reminiscing about the good ol' days and getting in touch with my little kid side. Stay young people!

One thing that has really surprised me is that I haven't written about The Office yet. It's by far one of my favorite shows of all time. I remember back when I awkwardly and painfully watched the first season. Little did I know that was the point. After applying for a ton of jobs I personally have the pleasure of being hired by a real life office. I'm looking forward to dressing like Pam and looking for a Dwight to mess with. Let the paychecks and games begin...

Finally, I'd like to sadly say I wasted about an hour and a half of my life the other night watching The Warriors. If I see a gang member dressed like a mime or wearing roller skates I'm (A) going to think they're a homosexual gang who's finally had enough of the haters or (B) figure they are really confused about what it means to be intimidating. Either way I don't think I'd have anything to worry about and would be trying to suppress my laughter. Honestly, what were they thinking in the 70's?! If you've got nothing to do and want to see Dexter's dad as a youngin then go ahead and watch this.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Humane Vapor Sucking

The other day Jayson and I were bored so we decided to go for a walk. Our destination: Hawaii Humane Society. Goal: Pet animals and try not to take one home. As we were walking up we ran into Sarah Martin, what a small island! After catching up real quick Jay and I commenced with our goal and went to pet the pups. They were all so cute! After that torture, we went to the Cat House and played with some kitties. Cats are way more entertaining then I remember. Mission Accomplished...left facility animal-less.

Today our walking destination was the library down the street. It's so nice to finally have a card and have so many free books to choose from. While we were there I bought three recent edition magazines for only 25 cents each! After searching for a classic book, I'm behind on my reading of classics, I finally decided on Bram Stoker's Dracula. So far it's actually pretty good and easy to read. Check it out people!

On our way back home from the library we stopped by the Volcano Vapor Cafe. We ordered drinks and were able to test electronic cigarettes for free. There are so many flavors and strengths of liquids to choose from. It was pretty much like smoking a hookah minus the mess and headache, aka worrying about a hose or someone knocking it over. So basically a hookah/cigarette that fits in your pocket. After testing them out Jayson and I decided that we are definitely going to buy one or maybe two. They're pretty nifty, there's even a zero strength so you don't have to worry about getting addicted to nicotine. Christmas presents here we come!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Señor Jackass 3-D(ream)

Last night Jay and I went to Pete's going away party at the Yardhouse. Afterwords we went to Señor Frogs to check it out. Played a game of pool, which I won since Jayson thought the 8 ball was a solid. I was thirsty and decided to get a yard smoothie so I could take home a cool tall cup. Too bad it made it super difficult to dance and hold at the same time. But now if I ever want to relive doing a beer bong I got a handy-dandy cup!

This morning I woke up confused about a dream I had. In it I had the hots for Bam Margera and he was really sweet and nice to me. This is how I knew it was a dream...dun dun dun (cue Inception music). In real life I've loathed this human being for as long as I've known he's existed. After seeing him in a different light and universe/reality I kind of have a weird, conflicting view of him. It did make my heart melt when I saw him screaming for his life in Jackass 3D.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Defective Products

Yesterday I treated myself to a mini shopping spree at VS since I did so well in my job interview (I think I got it!). I was long due in need of some new undies. I did the 5 for $25 deal and stocked up. Once I got home and put on a new pair I noticed the size tag is ridiculously long. Just long enough to go right in your crack and bug the heck out of you. If I wanted a thong I would've bought one, thanks!

At Safeway I remembered I ran out of razors. I thought I was being clever by buying this new contraption. Used it today, and it was a disaster. DON'T BUY THIS! The trimmer made me weary and the razor took twice as long to use compared to the cheaper throw away kind.

For Halloween I thought it'd be cool to spray my hair a different color for my costume. DON'T BUY THIS EITHER!! It got allll over my bathroom, clothes, body, etc and took forever to get out. Days later it was still washing out of my skin and hair. The bathroom floor and cabinets still have black on it even after several times of washing it. So all you goth or scene kids that just want to try out a new hair color, steer clear of this unless you want to sink even more into a depressed state.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bottle Racket Shirt

So I was reading a shopping magazine for the local mall nearby and saw a few "options" for Christmas presents. I also was reading the Honolulu Weekly and learned some interesting facts.

Now one lucky, sickly rich, money spent poorly individual can buy their very own bottle opener for a low low price of only $195. What a deal! You too can get this prize sterling silver item at Tiffany & Co.

Then, the aforementioned individual can hop on over to Chanel to get the latest tennis racket for only $540. Just in time for Suzie's private lessons from the well sculpted twenty-something year old trainer. Ah the simple life...

On another note. Did you know American Apparel is the largest produce of clothing in North America?! I personally love this brand. If only they were just a bit cheaper. I know, I know all the hipster kids are wearing clothes from there. But it's really not as overrated as you think! I love the way the material feels and love when local artists, or anyone really, uses their clothing to put their design on them. When in doubt you can never go wrong with a basic shirt or zip up hoodie in one solid color.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall & Move

So I made it to Hawaii...
I'm too lazy to upload any pictures right now. They're on facebook anyways.
It didn't take us long to find a place to live. But the hunt for a job is annoying and inconvenient. I have a couple interviews this week so hopefully I'll be working by next week.

Right now we're doing a room for rent. Can't wait to get our own place & a dog! It sucks having to always try to find parking and clean other people's dishes.

Halloween was lame and crazy at the same time. There was a mass amount of people on the streets but I had to wake up early the next day. Which by the way was a waste since the gosh darn computer that set me up for an interview was wrong. Sweet Hollister computer, thanks for ruining my Halloween.

Alright enough complaining. We went on a hike up Diamond Head which was a sweet view. We also went to a beach on Kailua side, but it was cloudy so we didn't stay too long. There was a sweet man made lagoon we checked out near Ewa that had the Black Pearl in the marina near it! Got some sweet pics of that; it was like seeing a wild animal...but in the wild.

That's all for now. Pics next time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Arrested Skins

So Jayson and I have been watching a couple shows together. Here are two that we've been watching and my views on them.

Arrested Development: Hilarious! Watching Michael Cera grow up is just one perk. The writers of this show always seem to amaze me. It's almost painful to watch sometimes. It's like watching a car accident, you can't turn away. This family can't ever seem to catch a break. Just when you think things are going great something horribly random comes and messes things up. And each character has their quirks that totally crack me up. I think my favorite character by far is Buster..."I'm a monster!!!"

Skins: Where to begin? Well this show is very real and not like those cheesy US teen shows. The writers do a great job of connecting you to each character. It's like you can totally tell where they're coming from, even the characters you hate! This show also has crazy twists and turns. They love to shock you with reality. There's plenty of drama but not over the top and it's believable. The only drawback to this show is the language is difficult at first to keep up with. There's UK slang terms that take getting used to, but ultimately it'll make you feel cultured! Highly recommend watching this is you want to bring back that crazy youth side in you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wonderland of a Wimpy Kid

So I went and saw Alice in Wonderland when it came out. I definitely expected alot more based off the previews. But it was still pretty amazing, being half 3-D and half cartoon. Considering this movie has been remade and reintroduced several times, I think it was quite successful. I would totally buy this and wish i had a big screen to watch it on.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid...AMAZING! I think I was one of the only people in the theater laughing the whole time. I could relate to so much of this movie it's ridiculous. I wish I had read this when I was in middle school. It would've helped me get through some phases much faster, or maybe it would've made me think I was right to think that way. So many of the antics were just hilarious because I remember being concerned about the same type of thing when I was in 6th grade. I think I going to have buy this series.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rock Climbing & Hot Spring Pics

Here's some pics from rock climbing. It was so fun and tough work. I love the pic of Jayson with his tongue out, he got dirt in his mouth.

Pictures from Goddard Hot Springs and the cabin at Kanga Bay. I swear the hot springs were haunted. I got hit on the head by something really hard while checking out some of the left over stuff. The cabin was fun and I'd totally go back. It's nice to get away for a little bit and just hang out, away from technology and distractions.